Xbox 360 ‘Ring of Death’ can’t defeat Play This


Ring of Death                                                    

The most infamous of issues that have become known about the Xbox 360 has finally directly affected (or attempted to affect) one of our writers while reviewing Fallout 3.

This heavy set game, which uses quite a large amount of memory and processing speed had temporary caused the Ring of Death, or the three red lights, which basically means you need to send it back to Mircosoft for your free repair.


This is not your friend

Here are your options upon getting the Ring of Death:


If you have tinkered with your Xbox before (modded it) or broke the Microsoft seal on the actual console you might as well throw it out now or try selling it for scrap metal on Ebay.

Back to Microsoft:

If you have never messed with your Xbox 360, Microsoft has decided to do a free repair on this issue alone; however it takes supposedly three weeks at the max.

The Towel Trick:

Another suggested idea is that by wrapping a towel around the Xbox 360 while on, that for some magical reason it will become functional once again. Here are the steps and suggestions required of this, as it has now become a proven temporary fix.  It can fix the Xbox for a few hours up to a weeks worth of additional play.

What is required: 30 minutes of waiting time while on, 15 minutes of cool down time and two or more towels (must be completely dry). It would be ideal to also have a fire extinguisher handy.


First step:

Remove everything from the Xbox (hard drive, network cable, wireless network adaptor, controllers, etc…) everything except the faceplate and power cable.

Second step:

Place the Xbox on one towel and turn it on. Wrap the towel all the way around it and continue to wrap the other towels around the system.

Third step:

Wait 30-45 minutes for the system to temporarly overheat.


Fourth step:

Unwrap the system, turn it off and let it cool down for 15 minutes. Do not place it in your freezer as the moisture could cause serious issues. You can place this near a window as it’s currently Winter and it may cool down faster.

Fifth step:

Turn on the Xbox in well ventillated area and it should work until the next meltdown.

That’s should have you up and running again, but remember this is only a temporary fix so we do suggest that you send your system back to Microsoft.

This issue is due to poor circutry in the console and by super heating it, it causes the conductors to weld together a bit stronger, but with each towel repair it’s bound to cause long term damage.

(Don’t) Play This game: Infinite Undiscovery

Sadly this game was discovered

RPG games are easily some of the most criticized out of the many game genres and Infinite Undiscovery continues the beating.

IU set out to be a hybrid of Oblivion/Zelda and some other anime trash…. but resulted in a game which can best be related too a heaping pile of crap.

We refuse to go much further as after about an hours worth of terrible japo anime cut scenes and sloppy game play we threw this game back in the trash can.

N/A for burritos as this game could not be fully reviewed due to it’s sucky nature.