PETA unhappy about President Obama’s fly killing during an interview, but understands

Obama owns the fly

The title says it all people. PETA, the over the top animal rights group has made a public statement explaining that Obama should not have killed a fly during an interview. While many media outlets will undoubtably make this situation much larget than it is, PETA did not come out with a statement on it’s own. Media has pushed the group to form an opinion, which they stated, “He isn’t the Buddha, he’s a human being, and human beings have a long way to go before they think before they act.”

PETA understands that the situation was not thought out so before fingers are pointed at them again for being insane, let this sole article at least be some clearification. While they do seem a bit crazy at times, PETA is simply an  organization who knows the meaning of great publicity. It’s no different from using tags and keywords in online articles such as this. If an issue occurs and they can have a say in it, of course they will jump right on the situation and act like an overdramatic child. While these ridiculous ideas seem odd, is just a great PR stunt. The don’t drink Milk campaign is a great example of this. No person on earth would turthfully suggest a person to drink human milk instead of an animals. The whole purpose was to make people understand that drinking a humans milk is no more odd than drinking the milk of an animal. If we could adapt their ridiculous PR stunts to our own businesses, there would be a non-stop sales frenzy.

*Editor EvO’s note:

While we do not endorse some of their methods, I do feel PETA is important and their overall message is a good one.

The EFM web site has finally been updated. While there may not be to much on it, the main goal of the site is to provide EFM with a service listing and portfolio of our professionally published work. EvO is diligently looking for a Washington DC Communications job so that he may properly fund Play This once again.

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Presidential poster child and Dane Cook still not funny


It’s official, Barack Obama is now the President of the United States of America and with that merchandise, posters and memorabilia have been created in his image even more so than the infamous Y2K.

Dane Cook -Not Funny

Dane Cook -Not Funny

A Web site entitled will allow you to quickly upload a photo of yourself and create that infamous looking white, blue, tan and red poster of HOPE that you’ve seen everywhere. While this is relatively unimportant it’s a nice way or even possible option for many new funny Facebook/Myspace photos.

While browsing through some already pre-made posters we had noticed one featuring the dumbest of the dumb, Dane Cook. The poster rather than saying something like “HOPE” displayed “NOT FUNNY” well rather look for yourself.

While also looking through the comments of this particular poster we had also noticed this little tid bit, Type “guy who is not funny” into google, then I’m feeling lucky. We think you all will be mildly humored like we were.

Where to watch Obama’s presidential inauguration online

Where to watch

Where to watch

Don’t be stuck out of the celebration and loop just because of work, hopefully you have some form of internet access if can’t get tuned into practically one of any channel on TV. If you also have an Iphone it’s highly suggested you check out the free app called Ustream.

Here is a list of Web sites that you can gain access to view the Inauguration for President Barack Obama.

To watch the even from those organizing it, go to the following link:

CNN has partnered with Facebook to provide live streaming of the swearing-in and Obama’s speech. A Facebook window on’s Live channel will aggregate your friends’ related status updates. We of course will be doing this method.

CBS Web cast beginning at 7 a.m.

The New York Times, Washington Post, AP, C-Span and ABC will have coverage amongst the major news networks. Various others will also have live coverage on their Web sites.

Have an Iphone and want to watch it anywhere… well with some extra battery back up source. Check out the Ustream viewing application, free to Iphone users.

Oh the humor that comes from letters to the editor

Sooooo angry!

Sooooo angry!

One of our columnists here in a small Georgia town (a majority Republican) enjoys tearing up the Republican side of our U.S. political world. Opening nearly a dozen letters to the editor, I’ve come to find some of the angriest hill-jacks around and it’s a great way to start the day. I’m also pretty sure the columnist enjoys the hate mail, I sure would as a majority of the comments are rather nonconstructive and humorous. What am I talkin about! read them for yourselves and the column is below it all as well.

[I would also like to state personally I have no comment on any of this. The letters were just to funny to let pass.]

I’ll keep all the obviously fake names and the real ones as initials. Just because we don’t publish them in our paper doesn’t mean it prevents me from putting them here 🙂 People should think a bit more before they speak.

Raster Farian: Proof that idiots become journalist….”

R.E.: “That Babb Taylor chick is as about as dumb as a sack a rocks. I cant wait for The Chosen One. The Messiah The ANTICHRIST makes retaRDS LIKE HER SUCK HIS TOES AND KISS HIS BUTT!!!!!!!! And you can send this to him so he can send his minions to my house THEY WILL GO HOME IN BODY BAGS!!!!!!!

G.C.: This is in response to J. B. Taylor’s comment regarding Obama. Ms. Taylor, FDR didn’t take us out of recession. He prolonged it. This is the same thing that Obama will do. Oh, by the way, it was the Dims that caused this mortgage crisis.”

M.A.: Must we be stuck with the insipid comments of jeannie. First of all, whose is she anyway? And why does her opinion count for anything at all. If you can’t have responsible people writing for you, why don’t you just shut down your newspaper and let the rest of us get some people from the ramblings of Obama Messiah Lovers. MAA”

N/A: “the mess that Bush has made” Well, if it isn’t the typical blame Bush for everything, and take no responsibility pile of crap. One would think, from reading this screed of lies, that the democrats never voted or initiated one single piece of legislature for the last 30 years. Don’t bother to place the blame on the shoulders it belongs on. Ever hear of Chris Dodd and Barney Frank? How about Pelosi and Reid? Anything ring a bell besides “Bush bad”. Perhaps Ms. Taylor will find some free government provided mental health for her BDS from the Obama administration. Pulling her nose out of Obama’s buttcrack may give her enough fresh air to survive until then.”

N/A: I give you 6 months to be eating your words,woman.Why do you still have a job, when so many who are brighter and far better writers do not? Who you boinkin? Never mind, all will come out-in the end.

B.D.: I just wish I could undue the wasted last 5 minutes of stupid article I just read.”

P.B.: I hope and pray Jennie Babb Taylor gets everything she deserves for voting for the Kenyan Canard.”

J.W.: Are there actually journalism schools that teach people to write such totally idiotic crap such as “Undoing Eight Years of Stupid” or is this something you have to learn on your own. If you paid any tuition to such a school you need to demand a full refund.”

This next section came off a Web site that borrows are articles:

I’m sad to say, this article is from my local paper. Thankfully, however, people like this author are still in the minority here in north Georgia.

Reply 1 – Posted by: Crasher, 12/18/2008 8:16:59 PM

After 8 years of smart the loons are in charge again….total hit piece against the best President since Bush 41.

Reply 2 – Posted by: Devil Air, 12/18/2008 8:19:21 PM

The dems HAVE BEEN in charge of the country’s pocket book for the last two years and they have managed to make the Grand Republic a Banana Republic. Now with the presidentcy as well – I moving all the assets I can out of this country.

Reply 3 – Posted by: red1066, 12/18/2008 8:24:50 PM

Small minds just don’t understand grown ups.

Here is the original Column:I’m only putting the first paragraph, you can go to the Web address below it to read the rest. Sorry but I can not post the entire column directly on here.

Jeannie Babb Taylor: Undoing eight years of stupid

On election night, hope was palpable. A sort of jittery excitement filled the air at the Catoosa Democratic Headquarters in Ringgold, Ga. A year ago, the local party was lucky to have 20 people at a breakfast meeting. Now, giddy Obama supporters edged past each other in the crowded banquet hall, sharing smiles and ogling the vast array of T-shirts and buttons. “Your grandparents were right,” read one sticker, “Vote Democratic.”

Get the facts straight: Obama didn’t have any connection to the Illinois Gov. scandal

The Internet has provided the world with a place for true freedom of speech and unfortunately a large portion of things on the Internet are fiction.

Some fool on WordPress has labeled an article as, “Did Obama and Blagojevich Meet Nov. 5?” In this article he claims as a result of faulty reporting that Obama had met with Blagojevich shortly before the scandal was released to the pubic and the Illinois Gov. was arrested. He later than added that the news source was in on backing Obama by covering up this article.

Here are the facts:

Obama had not met with Blagojevich at any time and has no connection to this scandal. The news source KHQA had placed a faulty article up stating Obama met with Blagojevich; however, he had not met with him.

The article also has been updated since the clarification has been published and the author although most than likely noticing it, has completely ignored it, just to feed fuel to the ignorant fire.

Listed below is the clarification from KHQA explaining how their article was faulty.

KHQA Clarification

KHQA TV wishes to offer clarification regarding a story that appeared last month on our website  The story, which discussed the appointment of a replacement for President Elect Obama’in the U.S. Senate, became the subject of much discussion on talk radio and on blog sites Wednesday.

The story housed in our website archive was on the morning of November 5, 2008. It suggested that a meeting was scheduled later that day between President Elect Obama and Illinois Governor Blagojevich. KHQA has no knowledge that any meeting ever took place.  Governor Blagojevich did appear at a news conference in Chicago on that date.

Additional facts:

  • Obama is not Islamic and never has been. Being Islamic is also not a negative thing so believe so is either ignorant or racist.

  • Obama is a U.S. citizen. His birth certificate clearly states he was born in Hawaii.

Play This is proud to support our next president and relieve ignorant Americans from the lies that FOX news and other foolish individuals enjoy spreading.