Why the ignorant will never vote

Over the past several months the election coverage for presidential candidates has been upped 10 full. Even though there is a plethora of information being pumped through the TV, radio and newspapers there is a lot of misinformation and it seems a lot of young voters have recently fallen victim to their own ignorance.

Without pointing fingers at individuals, it’s easy to see how new voters would not understand how the election game works and that each election that comes to pass improves its ways to affect the minds of the most underrepresented group of voters, the 18 – 24 year old voters.

Early in his campaign there has been rumors of Obama being a Muslim, quickly he would show his track record for the churches he was and is currently a part of. It’s sad how many people still think he is a Muslim of any kind, going as far as placing fake photos of Obama in the apparel of a terrorist. What is worst is that once again these ignorant people are making Muslims seem like they are all terrorists. There are very few groups throughout history that as a whole were terrible individuals as well as a group.
You may see notes and statuses from these people on your social networking sites like Myspace and Facebook, but the simple fact is these people have never registered to vote, even if they came to your door. If they did register to vote, 90 percent of the time they would not make it to the polls on election day nor even realize when that date is until it was to late. If you are reading this and think oh wait … I still haven’t registered, well sadly it is to late. I am not saying people that oppose Obama are ignorant by any means, I simply disagree with a majority of his views, as I disagree with certain things that Obama has stated.

The polls are showing a great lead and increasing for Obama and please do not refer anything to me that FOX spews out to the masses. They have already admitted on the record that they only support Republicans and a majority of their news comes straight from the White House in the form of press releases. They are propagandizing this nation and because it’s on TV people have a false sense of security in the information they provide.

Knowledge is our weapon of choice, we choose to use it to push past the ignorant. No TV station will give you 100% fact. That’s why you as well as any of us on the Play This staff suggests you do your own research. If you read word for word from something, chances are you will not see the full picture. Please do not vote ignorant, vote strong! If you do like Fox news, check our their competition… all of them and see why their answers are so different. Just as we like to see why Fox never ceases to amaze us on a daily basis of their ignorance.

On a side note… we will be covering the presidential ad smears and campaigns that cost ridiculous amounts of money. If becoming president did not cost so much money today, there would be many other choices for the nation to choose from. Check back later this week for more information.

– Play This magazine’s Prez



http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/10/08/debate.poll/index.html Check out this article on what viewers thought of the debate last night. CNN is not a liberal news network my Fox friends. Fox by the way is not a network news station either.