Summer Film Reviews

The following is the burrito rankings and quick shot reviews of some of the most popular summer flicks

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Burrito scoring for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Graphics: Brilliant to say the least. Not a hint of that awkward 90s CGI crap that used to plaque the summer films.

5/5 burritos.

Story Line: Not a whole lot of action or interesting plot lines in this bit. Just a lot of puberity moments and some really cool effects.

2/5 burritos.

Music/Sound FX: Nothing used awkwardly and none of the stock sound effects that I still continue to hear in films and TV shows. Always a decent sound track as well.

5/5 burritos.

Overall: The film is generally pretty boring and not much happens till the end of it. If you love Harry Potter this is bound to be another hit for you but if you were never a fan this is not the film to prove you other wise.

4/5 burritos.

Transfomers: Revenge of the Fallen

Transfomers: Revenge of the Fallen

Burrito scoring for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Graphics: Explosions galore! Generally something great to watch, if you are mindless or ADD.

5/5 burritos.

Story Line: There was a story? If there was I sure couldn’t spot one as I basically just saw explosions and Fox running around like a stallion. Not complaining though…. Eyyyyyyyy. The twins robots though… Reason alone why this gets one buritto. Stereotyping in this age is one thing but blatantly giving the guys gold teeth and saying they can’t read is another. Gold teeth are so out of date it’s not even funny. Seriously though it’s not what we would call acceptable. Also the parents in the film have gone insane in comparision of the last and if I hear one more annoying oneliner joke from an autobot in the next movie… it’s game over.

2/5 burritos.

Music/Sound FX: Explosions and modern music… what more could you want? Aside from a decent story line.

4/5 burritos.

Overall: The movie is fun to watch… but do so under the influence of something.

4/5 burritos.



Burrito scoring for Termanator #22322 or something like that

Terminator Salvation

Terminator Salvation

Graphics: Some of the most amazing special effects I’ve seen in quite some time.

5/5 burritos.

Story Line: The final piece of the puzzle was generally stupid and boring; however, the visuals make up for any boring story line. It flowed well enough to keep us entertained. Having a CGI version of The Governator was also pretty good.

3/5 burritos.

Music/Sound FX: An ok sound track and great sound FX.

4/5 burritos.

Overall: Cool movie to watch but generally not a good story, but since when does that actually matter?

4/5 burritos.

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Play This magazine would like to wish all of our friends and readers a safe and happy new year!

Check back with us in 2009 for a photo gallery of random new year eve events and new sections based on what you all have asked for!

In the mean while enjoy staring at the glory that is Megan Fox.

Hottest woman of 2008

Megan Fox: Hottest woman of 2008

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